Beans, Beets, Cucumber, Garlic, Onion, Peppers, Hot pepper, Potatoes, Purple scallions, Squash, Tomatoes, Purple basil
Your guest author this week is the farmer’s wife. Yup, there’s trouble on the farm. Not only am I writing the newsletter, I’ve actually been out in the fields for a purpose other than picking berries. In fact, I know where the bean patch is. And that’s because I spent much of last weekend weeding it. Most of you don’t really know me very well, but let me promise you that this is shocking news.
What would cause such aberrant behavior? Well, it’s a direct result of the excruciating pain that Thomas has been experiencing for the last six weeks, which has resulted in many a farm task going undone. He had a herniated disk – L5S1 to be exact (not sure what that actually means, but low down in his back), that was causing shooting pain down his leg to his somewhat numb foot. Sitting was impossible, standing far from pleasant – only lying flat on the kitchen floor seemed to bring regular relief. Needless to say, this has not been conducive to accomplishing farm chores.
Well, he just couldn’t take it any more, so this morning he had surgery (microdiskectomy to be precise). And modern medicine really can be amazing – by late this afternoon he was home and completely free of the excruciating nerve pain. The big challenge ahead is keeping him from working too hard in the near term – resting is not really his forte.
I am going to need assistance with restraining him, and that’s where you members can help. Weeds are taking over the farm! The plants are drowning – O.K., you can’t do anything about that. But you can help with the weeds. And it can be good clean dirty fun. While I’m not really known for my weeding ability, I am known for my party organizing. So, it seemed to make sense to build on my skills and combine weeding with a party – what could be more fun? So, please join us this Saturday afternoon (anytime after 1pm) for an Alleged Farm first – Weed Fest 2008, an opportunity to fight back against the weed offensive and to join other members in a potluck dinner following an afternoon of good, hard, dirty work. Bring a dish to share and we’ll supply drinks.
Now, when I say dirty, I mean really dirty. I don’t need to tell you all that it has been a wet summer, but it’s hard to really understand the amount of mud that this translates into on a farm. Whatever you wear (and I strongly recommend pants and sturdy shoes), be sure that you don’t mind it being covered in mud. And think about bringing a change of clothes or at least a towel or tarp to protect your car seats on the ride home. Also, please leave your dogs at home.
If the weather looks too wet on Saturday, we will re-schedule for Sunday morning (10am) with a potluck lunch. If you will be joining us for this ridiculously fun event – please give us a call at 692-9065 or send an email to so we can plan for weeding tasks and drinks. I do have this grand vision of 100+ of our members sweeping across the farm and wiping out the scourge of weeds – and I’m not even the one on serious pain medication – but I do think it’s possible! So, please join us this weekend for Weed Fest 2008.